Emeritus Members
Once you get your name on a cover somewhere, something changes. Something magical. You're no longer on your way - you've made it! You're in the big leagues now and - honestly? - dude, we are stoked for you! Congrats!
Doesn't mean you're off the team, though. #TeamAndMore is for life, buddy. Ain't no way we're giving up a winner like you!
A lifetime reader and Friend of Writers, Jesse Barret began writing professionally in 2022, after the usual stops in photography, Pizza Delivery, Tropical Fish Sales, phone work and FinTech.
You can find Jesse's books and follow him for updates on his Amazon author page.
David Bock is a proud member of #TeamAndMore in several anthologies. Other stories are in the works along with a first full length novel.
You can find David's books and follow him for updates on his Amazon author page.
You can find Richard's books and follow him for updates on his Amazon author page.
Anna and Tod together are A. Kristina Casasent. They serve the whims of four pets and found lacking by their calico cat, less so by their Newfoundland dog. All are judged by the Crested Gecko, Fluffy.
You can find Anna & Tod's books and follow them for updates on their blog.
James Copley is a retired Non-Commissioned Officer of the U.S. Army, now working as a software engineer in Sacramento, CA.
You can find him on Facebook and Twitter under the alias "James Resoldier"
You can find James' books and follow him for updates on his Amazon author page.
Jason Cordova is a bestselling author and editor. He currently works for Baen Books.
You can find Jason's books and follow him for updates on his Amazon author page.
Charli Cox writes short stories in multiple genres including SciFi, Military SciFi, Military Fantasy, and Horror.
You can find Charli's books and follow her for updates at charlicox.net or on Facebook.
I'm just a face in the crowd, but if you lose yourself in one of my stories, if you smiled or cheered or accidentally said "damn" out loud, I've done my job.
You can find Rick's books and follow him for updates at his Amazon author's page.
As a believer in the idea that the world is too small to live in one place, Evan has spent the last 25 years moving about with his wife.
You can find Evan's books and follow him for updates on his Amazon author page.
Hi. I'm Chris DiNote. I go by MOGS. I've been in some Baen anthos and some indies! I'll be a big man in town, just you wait and see!
You can find Chris' books and follow him for updates on his Amazon author page.
Kacey Ezell is a helicopter air ambulance pilot who writes sci-fi/fantasy/horror/noir/alternate history fiction. Find out more and join her mailing list at www.kaceyezell.net
You can find Kacey's books and follow her for updates at her Amazon author's page.
Abby Goldsmith is the author of the sci-fi Torth series, starting with MAJORITY. She is SFWA-qualified, with short works sold to Writer's Digest and Escape Pod.
You can find Abby's books and follow her for updates at her Amazon author's page or on her website, abbygoldsmith.com.
Douglas worked in the game industry for twenty years. He lives in rural North Carolina with the smartest wife, the cutest daughter, and the softest cat.
You can find Douglas' books and follow him for updates on his Amazon author page.
Middle-aged cop living in the North Carolina piedmont. Amateur wordsmith.
You can find Mathias' books and follow him for for updates on his Amazon author page.
Fiona Grey wanders through stories at https://fionagreywrites.com. She enjoys thinking nonlinearly and introversion. Other people claim this is “weird,” which is unsubstantiated.
You can find Fiona's books and follow her for updates at her Amazon author's page.
Charles is a psychology professor in South Carolina.
You can find Charles' books and follow him for updates on his Amazon author page.
USAF veteran, electrician, former ranchhand and fisherman, and occasional TV background extra. Currently lives in central Montana. Follow his blog at http://www.oldhatnation.com.
You can find Brennen's books and follow him for updates at his Amazon author's page.
L.N. Hunter’s comic fantasy novel, ‘The Feather and the Lamp,’ sits alongside works in several anthologies. When not writing, L.N. unwinds in rural Cambridgeshire, along with two cats and a soulmate.
You can find L.N.'s books and follow for updates at this Amazon author's page.
Canucklehead, former infantry, former redcoat. Started writing for realsies after attending LibertyCon 30. Has now edited 6 anthologies and been both #TAM and Honorary TAM on others.
You can find Jamie's books and follow him for updates at his website.
I'm a writer of science fiction, fantasy and cosmic horror. I write everything from flash fiction to multi-volume epics.
Ray Krawczyk write military science fiction, horror, and occasionally romance.
You can find Ray's books and follow him for updates at his Amazon author's page.
Michael Morton is a retired USAF space officer and wishes the Space Force happened earlier. He writes award-winning military sci-fi and fantasy and lives in Colorado Springs with his family.
You can find Micahel's books and follow for updates at this Amazon author's page.
An independent author of all things fantastical and pulp.
You can find Charles' books on Amazon.
KR Paul blends the adrenaline of military thrillers with the gritty, magic laden drama of urban fantasy. It’s part “Justice League” and part “Mission Impossible.”
You can find KR's books and follow her for for updates on her Amazon author page.
Wife and a mother of five, J.F. Posthumus is an IT Tech with over a decade of experience. She can be found crafting, writing, or doing art. She's A hopeless romantic who loves mysteries and fantasy.
You can find J.F.'s books and follow her for updates on her Amazon author page.
Z. M. Renick is a mathematician, scientist, and author. She has a PhD in computer science and has worked in fields from algorithms to meteorology to DNA assembly. She loves fantasy of all kinds.
You can find Z. M.'s books and follow for updates on her Amazon author page.
Sam is a devoted husband and the father of three teenagers. As such, he's developed a propensity for Dad jokes. He's also interested in long walks, urban photography, martial arts, and self-defense.
You can find Sam's books and follow him for updates on his Amazon author page.
In a previous lifetime, William Joseph Roberts was an F-15 mechanic and has since become an award winning author, editor, and publisher with Three Ravens Publishing.
You can find William's books and follow him for updates at his Amazon author's page.
I write short stories in a variety of genres, after a long career in Army and DoD counterintelligence. I'm an instigator of confusion and occasional chaos. So there.
You can find Regan's books and follow her for updates on her Amazon author page.
Born and raised high in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California. Works as a wildlife biologist. Lives in the mountains of Northern California with his wife and three sons.
You can find Seth's books and follow him for updates at his Amazon author's page.
TC Ross is a native Texan illustrator and writer. Always up for a good tale involving Fairies or Werewolves.
You can find TC's books and follow for updates on this Amazon author page.
A native Texan who has traveled the world. Tuvela was bewitched by the wonders of libraries and stages. Both are places where anything can happen.
You can find Tuvela's books and follow her for updates at her Amazon author's page.
Wally Waltner is a tech consulting executive with ambitions to become a gentleman science fiction/fantasy novelist as his second career. He currently resides in the Kansas City area.
You can find Wally's books and follow him for updates on his Amazon author page.
Zane is an engineer and author currently residing in Pittsburgh, PA.
You can find Zane's books and follow him for updates at his Amazon author's page.
Dan Zeidler is a Connecticut Yankee, former USAF officer, geophysicist, data analyst, and a sci-fi and fantasy author whose goal is to provide readers with fun and entertaining stories.
You can find Daniel's books and follow him for updates on his Amazon author page.